Over mij

Ik ben beeldend kunstenaar, werkend vanuit Amsterdam/Duivendrecht. Co-founder en coördinator Ballotage Stichting Rembrandt Art Market, Co-founder C.A.R.P (Cybernetic Art Research Projects) en sinds 7 jaar ook bezig met het ontwikkelen van nieuwe Digitale Kunst. Schreef mee aan verschillende boeken over digitale Kunst. Co-Writer van de Metaverse Art Books. Daarnaast werk ik al veel langer ook op canvas. Exposities in diverse musea en galerieën in o.a Hongarije Museum Szombately, USA, Nederland, en Frankrijk. Werken hangen in privé verzamelingen in de USA, Frankrijk, Engeland, Duitsland, Rusland, Hongarije, België, Italië en Nederland. Ik studeerde in 1967 af in Ilustratie en reclametekenen aan de Famous Artists Schools of America om vervolgens te gaan zingen...(zangopleiding Beb Ogterop) Ik was 35 jaar professioneel zangeres, ( 1e Nederlandse protestzangeres in de jaren 60-70) daarna voornamelijk Jazz, met een eigen band, maakte platen en trad over de hele wereld op, ook in Internationale show en TV programma's. In de jaren 70 een eigen radio programma "Dissonantjes" en mijn eigen personality show bij de Avro tv "José b.b.h.h."   ...... Maar bleef daarbij ook nog steeds schilderen.

Na het afbouwen van mijn zang carriëre werd ik gevraagd om in Amsterdam huwelijken te gaan sluiten. Dit opende een totaal nieuw perspectief, ik kan in het verlengde van het zingen mijn ervaring inzetten in het omgaan met veel verschillenden mensen, culturen, talen en achtergronden. Ik heb in de 17 jaar dat ik dit nu doe al meer dan 4000 huwelijken gesloten. Samen met het schilderen zijn het allebei vormen van expressie; schilderen - iets wat je alleen doet en huwelijken sluiten - iets wat je samen doet. Beide geven me positieve energie waar ik me volledig aan overgeef. Mijn schilderijen worden dan ook meestal geïnspireerd door die positieve energie die ik van blije mensen krijg!

Josina studied at the Famous Artists Schools of America and graduated in illustration, advertisement,free painting and drawing. She studied under Ben Stahl, Al Parker, Jon Witcomb, Fred Ludekens, Peter Helck, graduated as master of art in 1967 and then decided to become a ...singer..

She studied under Beb Ogterop and as a professional singer she worked successfully in the Netherlands especially in the 70ties (was the first female protestsinger) . Made several albums, was a member of the Knokke Songfestival Team and had her own Radio and Personality show on the Dutch Television. Performed in all Dutch Theaters and was a guest in many radio and television shows.

Later on she traveled around the world and performed in many international television shows. Worked for the Spanish television and after that she became the leading lady of the well known close-harmony trio "The New Shepherds", later in "Close Encounter" and "September" were she had her own 7 mans band. Made several albums again and performed on Dutch Radio and Television.


During all those years of traveling she continued painting and drawing. Once a painter, always a painter. The work has many facets. Feelings and impressions, sometimes subtile, but also powerful and above all the use of bright colors are specific for her art. Expressionism, Abstract, Always Spiritual, "Emot-Icons" as well as Figurative paintings, explosions of color, gold and bronze, memories and emotions. Josina uses mixed techniques, some developped herself, on canvas as well as digital, in a very personal style, abstracts, universes and landscapes, recognizable, strange or with free expression. The composition,technique, the colors and the shapes are giving an extra dimension to her paintings.  

In the end of 2006 she started working in Secondlife, looking for new possibilities in the Metaverse. Experimenting with New Art, building hyperformal. Hyperformalism is abstraction with no references to the material space or references to the figure. Also, Hyperformalism focuses on the native conditions and capacities of the virtual world and includes behaviors concepts only possible in the telepresent virtual environment. Building animated and interactive 3 D sculptures and Installations, Founded C.A.R.P (Cybernatic Art Research Projects) together with Lazlo Oerdoegh a Hungarian Professor and started working together with International artists, musicians, engineers and architects from all over the globe on different innovative projects, new Theatrical shows and performences, like: the WALL, The RINGS, METROPOLIS, The Cybernetic tower of Nicolas Schöffer,V-Jazz (Virtual Jazz), the CHANGE and many more.